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Commonly Asked Questions

The Info You’re After

What is your return policy?

Himalayan Fresh Shilajit offers products with 45 days money back guarantee. If a customer wants to return the shipment, Himalayan Fresh Shilajit refunds the money back to the customer. Since Himalayan Fresh Shilajit bears the shipping charges, customer shall bear those charges in case of product return.
To the same from of payment option used:
Must the item be new in the box and never use.
Please contact us on Live CHATBOT or sign in in your Account and submit a Request.
Also Contact us on Contact Number.

Secure Payment

We accept Visa, MasterCard®, PayPal, Stripe, Google Pay, Apple Pay.
When it comes to purchasing anything online, the security question towers above everything else. Our store’s overall cyber security and particularly the billing process security is something we do not take lightly. All of your shopping here will be a fun and safe experience. If you have any difficulties in the checkout process, you can always address our customer support department with your billing questions.
If any Question Please contact Us.

Shipping Policy

All orders are shipped within 24-48 hours of order placement. Orders placed on weekend/ national holidays are shipped on next working day. Orders shipped to NORTH AMERICA,EUROPE, AUSTRALIA, NEWZEALAND, UNITED KINGDOM can take between 14 to 28 Working days to reach the destination. A tracking number is provided to customers to track their shipments. Order Shipped to GCC (KSA, UAE, QATAR, OMAN, KUWAIT, BAHRAIN ) can take between 7 to 14 Working Days.

Mostly Package Reached Early.


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